마나게시판프리코네) 유니쨩 선배 대사보고 떠오른거
프리코네) 유니쨩 선배 대사보고 떠오른거
1 1317 05-09 01:11
Hey! The world...!
You're deceiving me again today.
I don't dig into the truth of the world, I'm neither a warrior nor a hero, I just know and smile at the heat of my heart alone.
Even so, the world.
I touched your secret for a moment.
You may forget that one day, but it will remain a small stain on your timeline forever.
That's great!
(유니쨩 선배 애니 대사에서 발췌)
이거 시험에 나올거 처럼 생김
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